Lofi meaning
Lofi meaning

LOW-FIdefinition:1.abbreviationforlowfidelity:theproductionbyelectricalequipmentofpoor-qualitysoundthat….Learnmore.,Lo-fiisamusicorproductionqualityinwhichelementsusuallyregardedasimperfectionsinthecontextofarecordingorperformancearepresent, ...,...


Lo-fiisamusicorproductionqualityinwhichelementsusuallyregardedasimperfectionsinthecontextofarecordingorperformancearepresent, ...

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LOW-FI | English meaning

LOW-FI definition: 1. abbreviation for low fidelity: the production by electrical equipment of poor-quality sound that…. Learn more.


Lo-fi is a music or production quality in which elements usually regarded as imperfections in the context of a recording or performance are present, ...


2021年7月15日 — Lo-fi music(low fidelity music),中文翻作低傳真音樂,指的是音樂製作中故意使用不完美的音質錄製的音樂作品,會將錄製過程中的雜音、呼吸聲等一併 ...

【Lo-Fi 音樂】咩係Lo-Fi?3大熱門音樂頻道推薦

2021年12月21日 — Lo-Fi 全名是low fidelity,中文全名可稱為「低傳真音樂」。一如字面意思,Lo-Fi音樂保留粗糙聲效、仿如滲入雜訊的朦朧感。雖然現在的Lo-Fi音樂上述 ...

The benefits of lo-fi music and how it can help you focus

“Lo-fi" is short for "low-fidelity" music, which means it doesn't have the polished, studio-quality sound of high-fidelity (hi-fi) recordings. Lo-fi is more raw and embraces imperfections, such as ambient noise, static, or the hum of ba

What is Lo

- 1950s: The term lo-fi was first used in the 1950s as an abbreviation of low-fidelity, meaning low-quality music recordings, associated with homemade ...


4 天前 — The meaning of LO-FI is the production or reproduction of audio characterized by an unpolished or rough sound quality.

DEBATE: What exactly is and qualifies as Lo

2020年4月23日 — Lo-fi indeed means low fidelity, strictly speaking. It's a counterpoint to high-fidelity music, something that's been a gold standard of ...


Lofi Girl為最知名的YouTube Lo-fi音樂頻道之一。結合嘻哈樂、藍調、抒情歌曲等 ... 儲存您偏好的中文語言變體,以避免顯示簡繁混雜的內容,提供最佳的閱讀體驗。


LOW-FIdefinition:1.abbreviationforlowfidelity:theproductionbyelectricalequipmentofpoor-qualitysoundthat….Learnmore.,Lo-fiisamusicorproductionqualityinwhichelementsusuallyregardedasimperfectionsinthecontextofarecordingorperformancearepresent, ...,2021年7月15日—Lo-fimusic(lowfidelitymusic),中文翻作低傳真音樂,指的是音樂製作中故意使用不完美的音質錄製的音樂作品,會將錄製過程中的雜音、呼吸聲等一...